Diploma in Biblical Studies (Level 6)
Offered every second year (odd-numbered years e.g. 2021)
This diploma is a great place to start, or follow-on from our Diploma in Christian Studies. While exploring the New Testament, the church’s roots, and its core theology, students of this diploma will be challenged to apply their learning to enhance their spiritual growth, ministry skills, leadership ability and evangelism approach.
Award upon completion: Diploma in Biblical Studies, leading to the New Zealand Diploma in Christian Studies (Level 6), Biblical Studies Strand (2773)
Intake Dates: February
NZQA Level: 6 - About NZQA Levels
Credits: 120
Length: One year full-time
Accreditation: Approved by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority
Prerequisites: No prior study needed. English Language Requirements apply for international applicants. See SPBC's standard Admission Requirements for all applicants.
Course costs: Course costs: Tuition fees: $5,200 (domestic), $10,400 (international) + $50 administration.
Delivery: On-campus.
Study Options: Flexible study options may be arranged. Learn more.
This diploma is made up of six courses. Each course has multiple modules. See below for details.
BI610 Biblical Interpretation (15 Credits)
As an introduction to theological study, students are equipped with research tools to help them translate, exegete, and teach on selected biblical passages. Topics covered include Biblical Exegesis & Translation, Engaging Scripture, and New Testament Themes.
BI610.1 Biblical Exegesis & Translation
After being introduced to Greek translation tools, participants practice translating and then exegeting a passage. The skills learned will help guide their Bible studies for years to come.
BI610.2 Engaging Scripture
In conjunction with the Biblical Exegesis & Translation module, students will continue to practice exegesis of the biblical text and progress to application. Students will be challenged to gain insights into the biblical text by employing various reading strategies.
BI610.3 Biblical Theology: New Testament Themes
The New Testament wasn’t written as a list of things to do or to think. Instead it came to us in the form of narrative, reaction, and, essentially, conversation. The task of each generation of Christians is to simplify and interpret those writings into principles that can guide our thoughts and actions today. This module will therefore introduce the NT Themes of theology, Christology, pneumatology, soteriology, anthropology, ecclesiology, and eschatology.
BS610 Biblical Living (15 Credits)
Christian Living presents key tools for personal and communal development, such as Pastoral Care & Counselling, Spiritual Disciplines, and Personal Development. These tools will aid students in their promotion of a life oriented towards growth and service.
BS610.1 Spiritual Practices
Many Christians seem to approach spiritual growth as though it were purely accidental, or strictly through Bible study. However, the Bible repeatedly speaks about many different ways to submit oneself to the Spirit to be sanctified, such as by prayer, meditation, fasting, solitude, and community.
BS610.2 Personal Development
In this module students are led to think about how their social, personal, and theological identities relate to their life experiences. Growing in self-awareness, the student will be better able to learn from and adapt to their experiences.
BS610.3 Pauline Literature: Corinthians
Despite their separation of 2000 years of history and culture, the Corinthian correspondence retains a striking clarity on Christian living. These two letters give modern readers an insight into the kinds of struggles, issues, and ups and downs that churches face to this day.
BS620 Biblical Studies (45 Credits)
Texts in this course include Luke, Acts, Corinthians, Romans, Philippians, Colossians, Ephesians, 1-3 John, the Gospel of John, Daniel, Revelation, and the Minor Prophets. As students examine theses texts, they are equipped to better teach and apply the Scriptures to the life of the Church today.
BS620.1 Prophetic Literature: Minor Prophets
This module’s goal is to clear away the fog and equip students with the working knowledge they need to pull timeless truths out of the Minor Prophets. Matters of context, the nature of biblical prophecy, and potential preaching and teaching approaches will be addressed.
BS620.2 Pauline Literature: Romans
Paul’s Epistle to the Romans has been said to be the most important piece of Christian literature ever written. Enormous theological truths are contained with its pages, including justification by faith, law and election, and the outworking of the gospel in the believer.
BS620.3 Lukan Literature: Gospel & Acts
Luke’s Gospel and its accompanying sequel, the story of the Spirit-empowered community spreading the message of Christ, are under the microscope in this module. Key themes include compassion for the downtrodden, the power of prayer, and the universality of the gospel.
BS620.4 Johannine Literature: Gospel & Letters
In comparison to all the other literature of the New Testament, John’s writings emphasise God’s love and His transcendence. Students of these writings will find their view of God transformed as they come into contact with the all-powerful and all-loving God of John.
BS620.5 General Letters: James, Peter & Jude
These letters represent practical Christian wisdom, dealing with church opponents, error, and the role of suffering in the Christian life.
BS620.6 Pauline Literature: Prison Letters
The so-called Prison Letters provide great insight into Christian living: Philemon, Philippians, Ephesians, and Colossians provide various perspectives on how the church should be and act as outposts of heaven in this world.
BS620.7 Apocalyptic Literature: Daniel & Revelation
A large number of dangerous ideas have been born by the misunderstanding of Daniel and Revelation. This module provides a thorough introduction to the proper method for interpreting and applying apocalyptic literature.
CS610 Church Studies (15 Credits)
Students will examine the roots of their faith in New Testament Church and Survey of Church History. Ways to support people in your church community are explored in Pastoral Care & Counselling.
CS610.1 New Testament Church
“Why bother with the church?” Like it or not, this question is behind the decisions of millions of people each Sunday when they choose work, rest, or play over worship. As students contemplate this question, they’ll be confronted with the perspectives that the early church had on leadership, mission, and ministry that may challenge us to this day.
CS610.2 Survey of Church History
Outlining the story of Christianity from the end of Acts until the 16th century Reformation, this module provides many insights into why Christians do what they do to this day. Major events and figures covered include the first Christian theologians, the rise of Roman Catholicism, and the issue of religious freedom.
CS610.3 Pastoral Care & Counselling
Pastoral Care & Counselling is the responsibility of every Christian in various ways. With that in mind, students of this module will be taught why pastoral care is so important, how to care personally for others, and ways to include others in this crucial ministry.
MIN610 Ministry Leadership and Facilitation (15 Credits)
As well as being an opportunity to put learned skills into supervised practice in Leadership Skills, Studies & Practicum, this course encourages students to demonstrate expertise in the Art of Communication and sensitive leadership in Christian Worship.
MIN610.1 Art of Communication
Given the responsibility to speak on behalf of God, Christian leaders are called to officiate at all kinds of different events, such as weddings, funerals, and other formal ceremonies. This module offers techniques for speaking at such public events.
MIN610.2 Leadership Studies, Skills & Practicum
Broken down between day-to-day practicalities of ministry and methods for applying theological learning, Leadership Studies, Skills & Practicum was introduced as a key bridge between Bible college and real life.
MIN610.3 Christian Worship
Although not at the core of what it means to be church, Sunday services are an important part of church life. What ideas, principles, Scriptures, and practices inform how we ‘do’ worship services today? How can we use history, the Bible, and the needs of modern cultures to better shape them for the future? These are the questions that drive Christian Worship.
MIN620 World Religion and Christian Worldview (15 Credits)
This course compares and contrasts the Christian worldview with that of other worldviews in World Faiths and Christian Evidences, providing pathways to understanding and evangelism. Students will also be introduced to a missional view of church and life in Foundation of Mission.
MIN620.1 Foundation of Missions
This module outlines a biblical theology of mission and gives practical implications of a missional approach to living the Christian life. In addition, a focus on people’s journeys to faith is explored.
MIN620.2 Christian Evidences
Christians in this modern world are often called upon to give a defence for their faith. How can one believe in God when science is said to have all the answers, or with so many other religions to choose from? Can we take the miracles of the Bible seriously or are they just ancient metaphors? Christian Evidences was a module created to offer satisfying questions to these answers and more.
MIN620.3 World Faiths
While in the past it was possible to blend in as just another Christian in a mostly Christian society, in the multicultural world of today it is far more likely to be surrounded by people of all kinds of different faiths. This module provides bridges to understand and evangelise to members of other religions.
Future Opportunities
For pathways available to SPBC graduates, click here.